Thursday 20 December 2018


IN New Zealand we have many beautiful beaches and stunning waterfalls. One of the most spectacular waterfalls is called Kitekite and it is located in Piha, a small village west of Auckland. Tourists and locals flock to Piha during the summer season to enjoy the waterfall, the local beach, and the great surf.

fact 1 Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids
fact 2 Starfish are a type of fish
fact 3 fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched shounds (moans, hisses, etc)
hope you enjoyed these facs leave a comment!!!


  1. Hello Hannah,

    I'm Evelyn and I will be working with the Summer Learning Journey team for 2018-2019 to read and follow amazing blog posts like yours! I am so excited to read what pops into that wonderful brain of yours and hope you have fun on this journey!

    I seem to be a bit confused as to which activity and from which day and week you are trying to complete. If you are working on Activity 3 from Day 1 of Week 2, make sure you copy and paste all the facts that were listed on the activity. Once you have done that, you need to do some research and find out whether each of those 5 facts are true or false. Once you have worked out whether each fact is true or false, write the words "TRUE" or "FALSE" beside each sentence. I hope I have made it clearer for you on what you have to do to complete this task. I'm excited to see what you find and I hope you have a fantastic Summer Learning Journey!

    Happy blogging,
    Evelyn :D

  2. Hi Hannah, it is fantastic to see you've begun the summer learning challenge. Keep up your reading and enjoy your holidays!
    Mrs Hahn

  3. Thanks for your lovley comment Evelyn.


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